Friday, May 7, 2010

Program related research report :Technology

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is a software program which improved the lives of many people; I will discuss how each aspect of Microsoft Word is an advantage to students, and in particular to business students.

Before Microsoft Office, business students would make long lists of calculations and finances on papers which could easily get lost or damaged in some unforeseen calamity. Additionally, before Microsoft Office was around, presentations were dull as one could not display the visual effects they desired to accompany their words.
Almost everyone owns a computer and almost every one of those computers is equipped with Microsoft Office. Teachers prefer having their students type out essays using Microsoft Word to avoid seeing bad handwriting which could bias them against the student. Microsoft Word also helped make essays appear more organized and students using it could avoid making grammatical and spelling errors by using spell check, which is a useful tool found in the application. In addition, it allows students to have a saved copy of their work which they could print out or edit and make as many copies of it as they need as opposed to rewriting an entire essay.

Microsoft Excel helped business students and accountants organize their finances in a more structured manner. PowerPoint made presentations more palatable as it allowed business students to introduce their charts and pictures to further prove their point and consequently it made for much stronger presentations.
One note is an application which was recently added which allows one to take notes and join in discussion forums. One note can also help students send information and store them for future reference. One note also allows students to organize their thoughts well. An advantage of Microsoft one note is that it automatically saves all the students work and helps keep things arranged and in order.
There are many additional applications in the Microsoft office pack and they are all useful but business students primarily use the ones I have mentioned above. They greatly improved the quality of people's lives by keeping their work organized, and consequently more efficient as they no longer have to deal with the hassle of using paper. It improved the safety aspect of business as well as calculations dealing with money as they are now safe and error free and should important papers get lost there are always backup files saved in the computer's system.

Technology is a critical component in almost all business strategies and in recent years technology has enabled businesses of all types to leverage their stengths in their respective markets.As technology has become more user friendly it also has more users.Today one does not have to know html or coding to operate very sophisticated software and companies do not require a high level of technical expertise to run most software.The big advantage is that the user can focus on business functions and not on user unfriendly software.


Deal, Jack. Web. Apr.-May 2010. .

Downes, S. "The Technology Source." Web. Apr.-May 2010. .

MacManus, Richard. "Microsoft Office Comes to the Browser." Web. Apr.-May 2010. .

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